Japanese American Nisei Students The Japanese-American/Asian Collections are housed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries. The collection documents the experiences of Japanese-Americans in the United States, particularly during World War II. Second...
Psychological Warfare in World War II This online exhibit highlights selected propaganda leaflets used during World War II to influence Japanese soldiers serving in Japan and the Philippines, as well as Japanese civilians. The exhibition provides images of original...
Great Posters of the Great War This online exhibit highlights French and American food rationing, temperance, and YMCA posters printed for the war effort. This site relies much on G.A. Rudolph’s catalogue War Posters from 1914 through 1918 in the Archives of the...
Unl Activism Against the War in Vietnam Public opinion of the deployment of United States troops into Vietnam decreased steadily throughout the Vietnam War, resulting in growing dissidence and numerous protests throughout the states. Many of these protests took place...
English Theatre Portraits These portraits of actors and scenes from theatrical productions were originally produced to promote actors and plays. Information about the actors and theatrical productions is provided with the images. This exhibit was produced as a student...